Doktorarbeit in der Hämatologie – Onkologie „AG Clinical Microbiome“ - Prof. Romana Gerner zu vergeben
Wir suchen einen Doktoranden/in im Rahmen des translationalen Promotionsprogrammes für eine Doktorarbeit zum Thema:
“The influence of the gut microbiome on vaccine responses and outcomes in multiple myeloma patients following autologous stem cell transplantation”
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a heterogeneous and aggressive hematologic malignancy with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 40%. Despite therapeutic advancements achieving remission in most patients, relapse remains common, highlighting the challenges of durable disease control. The gut microbiome plays a critical role in shaping the tumor immune microenvironment in various malignancies and influences the initiation, progression, and therapeutic response in MM. For instance, specific commensal microbes in preclinical models have been shown to induce Th17 cells, which migrate to the bone marrow and accelerate MM progression. Clinical studies link certain microbiome characteristics to therapy outcomes, with greater microbiome diversity being associated with improved progression-free and overall survival after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). During ASCT-associated immunosuppression, patients often require antibiotic treatment that causes microbiome disruptions that may adversely affect disease outcomes. Additionally, post-ASCT cellular and humoral immunodeficiency necessitates re-vaccination with childhood and other vaccines. Notably, low response rates to certain vaccines have been observed in ASCT patients. While the microbiome influences immune reconstitution and vaccine responses, the impact of a dysbiotic microbiome on short and long-term outcomes in MM patients remains largely unexplored.
To address this gap, we are establishing a MM cohort to investigate microbiome alterations and their effects on immune and disease outcomes post-ASCT. Blood, fecal, and bone marrow samples will be collected at designated time points after informed consent. Vaccine titers for Hepatitis B, Pneumococcus, Tetanus, and Diphtheria will be measured after ASCT pre- and post-vaccination. Fecal samples will undergo 16S rRNA sequencing (Illumina HiSeq platform) and shallow shotgun metagenomic sequencing (NovaSeq) for a subset of samples for detailed microbial identification. Clinical outcomes, including vaccine responses, therapy response, and survival, will be correlated with microbiome signatures. The doctoral candidate will assist with coordination and sampling, clinical and metadata collection, and vaccine titer analysis, as well as perform bioinformatic data analyses under our supervision. The student will also present findings at national and international conferences and actively contribute to manuscript preparation.
Was Sie mitbringen sollten:
- Interesse an wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten
- Überdurchschnittliches Engagement
- Hohes Maß an Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Organisationstalent und selbst-gesteuertem Arbeiten
- Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeit mit Patienten (in deutscher Sprache) und dem Studienteam
Was wir bieten:
- Stipendium von der Fakultät (monatlich 800 Euro für die ersten 12 Monate)
- Strukturierte wissenschaftlich Ausbildung
- Eigens entwickeltes Curriculum zu verschiedenen fachspezifischen und überfachlichen Themen
- Mitgliedschaft in der TUM-GS
- Teamwork in junger motivierter Arbeitsgruppe mit persönlicher Betreuung
- Regelmäßige Lab-Meetings
- Möglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Publikation
- Möglichkeit der Teilnahme an nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen
Termine: Projektbörse am 28.01.2025 um 14:30 Uhr im TranslaTUM, Großes Auditorium und Foyer
Bewerbung: 29.01.2025-23.02.2025 im Rahmen des translationalen Promotionsprogrammes
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