Virtual Open Day at University of Eastern Finland (Erasmus+ SMS Partneruniveristät der Fakultät)

Alle Studierenden, die sich für einen Erasmus+ Studienaufenthalt an der University of Eastern Finland in Koupio interessieren, haben nächste Woche am Mittwoch, den 23. November die Möglichkeit, die Partnerunversität bei ihrem Open Day Event besser kennenzulernen.

Meet us at the UEF Open Day event!

Welcome to our Virtual Open Day event on Wednesday, 23 November, at 2.00-4.00 pm (Helsinki time)!
Our Virtual Open Day starts with an Opening Session which includes opening words from our Academic Rector, Tapio Määttä, interesting key facts about our university and study opportunities.
We will hear thoughts and experiences of our students and alumni from around the world. We will also take a virtual jump to our beautiful campuses. Our staff and students will also be present in Presemo chat, where you can ask questions during the event.
After the Opening Session there are field or programme specific Zoom-rooms where you can learn about the studies in more detail. International Mobility Services is hosting one of the Zoom -rooms. We are looking forward to meeting you there!  

Register now!
Best regards,
International Mobility Services